Men and their bodies

In a man, the sexual organs are mostly outside the body and include the penis, testicles (testes or balls) and prostate gland (see diagram below). The end of the penis is covered by the foreskin, unless the man has had it removed by circumcision. The ridge on the underside of the head, called the frenulum, is usually the most sensitive part of a man’s penis. At the very top of the penis is a slit opening to the urethra, through which semen and urine pass.At the base of the penis is a bag formed by wrinkly skin called the scrotum. Inside the scrotum lie the testicles. These produce sperm, which is then passed through tubes (vas deferens) to mix with other fluids to make semen.
The male sex organs
The other parts of a man’s sex organs are inside his body. The prostate gland lies deep in the pelvis and surrounds the first part of the urinary tube, the urethra, as it leaves the bladder (see the diagram). The prostate gland produces a fluid that mixes with the sperm to form semen, and helps create the intense sensations a man has during orgasm.
The penis, testicles and anus are erogenous zones. A man’s chest and nipples can also be sensitive, and his body may have other erogenous zones.
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