Tuesday, June 26, 2012

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News Visualization: Udacity student builds clever news site

Students who take Udacity classes learn by doing. In Steve Huffman's Web Applications Engineering class, Bart van der Poel, from the Netherlands, built News Visualization, a site that allows you to see where in the world a news story is happening. Bart filled us in on why he built his site and how Udacity helped him do it!

Check out his site here.

How did you come up with the idea for News Visualizations?
I was reading some news articles on a popular Dutch news website and I noticed that some of the articles had the option of showing the location of that news event on a map. I thought it would be cool to visualize all news events on a single world map so that a user can see the spread of news around the world. After the third lecture, I had learned enough from the class to make a small working example, just as a personal project.

How does the site work and who can use it?
When you visit the site you will see a list on the left side with the most recent news stories, and a world map on the right with pins on it that correspond to those news stories. Users can then browse the list and click on a story to highlight its location on the world map and show a small summary. Or they can just use the world map to navigate through the news stories and click on stories in regions that they are interested in. To read the full news story, they can click on a link in the summary that will take them to the original article.

How did Udacity help you build this site?
I didn't know anything about web development when I started this course. Steve did a great job explaining the important concepts in web development, as well as teaching us how to use Google App Engine, so we could start building stuff right away. I felt like I got a huge amount of information with every new lecture, without being overwhelmed. So, thanks a lot!

Are any other projects on the horizon? 
I am looking forward to styling my News Visualization website and I am also thinking about extracting people's responses to the news articles and color coding the pins on the world map based on how positive/negative the responses are.
As for new projects, I've recently been learning how to develop iPhone and iPad apps. I would like to create a turn-based multiplayer game for these devices and use my new web application knowledge to implement the backend features of the game. So things like matching up players who are looking for an opponent, saving the state of their games on a server, adding players to a friend list. This was actually one of the reasons I signed up for CS253. I think I have learned enough in this class to actually implement these features. 

If you are interested in learning to build web applications, enroll in Steve Huffman's Web Applications Engineering course today!


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