Thursday, June 28, 2012

Web 3.0 Technologies

Web 3.0

If you are excited about the Web 2.0 revolution in the past decade, I think you will be impressed by the next generation of Web applications.  Web 3.0 is already here and more Web 3.0 applications will emerge soon.  So, what is Web 3.0?  Web 3.0 is the next step in the evolution of the Internet and Web applications.  Here are several videos that you can learn about the concept of Web 3.0 and Web 3.0 development.  Hope you enjoy these videos and find them helpful to you.
Evolution Web 1.0, Web 2.0 to Web 3.0

The Future Internet: Service Web 3.0

               Web 3.0 : Semantic Web

Web 3.0 and its role in Education

This post is in response to Timbuckteeth's (Steve Wheeler's) post on Web 3.0 and e-learning 3.0:

As far as I have experienced it, Web 2.0 is Read/Write/Collaborate (varying shades of it).

From 'create a site', to 'collaborate using a site' to 'search/mash-up the data from n sources to get the best the web has to offer on what you want' is more like what Web 3.0 will have to offer.

Web 3.0 may or may not have more mobile technologies. Mobile technologies do not change the nature of activity that web is used for only it access. So mobile or static access will happen for Web 3.0 - I am not so sure at this stage. I do not care either.

From an institutional prospectiveThe educational use of Web 3.0 will enable read/write/collaborate and re-present the information to learners in a more meaningful way than what current technologies allow - Filtering/searching/mash up etc will play a big role in all this.

From a learner's point of view: Web 3.0 will further what web 2.0 allowed (i.e. read/write/collaborate) and help learners 'personalise' the information that is created via interactions in Web 2.0 to best suit their own needs.

So far, mainly constructivist principles have found resonance with what e-learning (Web 2.0) has to offer. Web 1.0 was more suitable for Behaviourist principles(online material/ quizzes/feedback etc). Web 3.0 will make the content King, again. Thereby making the cognitive approach to teaching and learning more prominent alongside behaviourists and constructivist approaches.

Learners will use the web to suit their style of learning using their PLE. Institutions will benefit from being able to blend different pedagogies using the web as they need to cater for many different types of learners. Some academics will make use of this more than other giving way to Personal Teaching Environments (PTEs) that make use of the web in this way.

Next big thing will be the content created collaboratively via the web primed for the best use of its users (more personalised). Somewhere the PTE will meet the PLE and Web 3.0 need to make the meeting of these two as smooth as possible.
I’ve listened to a few talks by Bruce Sterling concerning “the internet of things” and other Web 3.0 technologies. His idea of spimes ( is very interesting.
Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is a term, which definition is not confirmed or defined so far as several experts have given several meaning, which do not match to each other, but sometimes it is referred to as a Semantic Web. In the context of Semantic Web, Web 3.0 is an evolving extension of the World Wide Web in which web content can be expressed not only in natural language, bu t also in a form that can be understood, interpreted and used by software agents, thus permitting them to find, share and integrate information more easily.
Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of first World Wide Web has coined the term Semantic Web. But the concept of Web 3.0, first entered among the public in 2001, when a story appeared in scientific article written by American Coauthored Berners-Lee that described this term as a place where machines can read Web pages as much as humans read them e.g. web connected bathroom mirrors, which can read the news coming through on the web.
Definitions and Roadmap
There are several definitions of the web, but usually Web 3.0 is defined as a term, which has beencoined with different meanings to describe the evolution of web usage and interaction among the several separate paths.
These include transforming the Web into a database, a move towards making csontent accessible by
multiple non-browser applications, the leveraging of artificial intelligence technologies, the Semantic web, or the Geospatial Web. According to Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, “Web 3.0 is a third generation of Internet based Web services, which emphasize m a c h i n e - f a c i l i t a t e d understanding of information in
order to provide a more productive and intuitive user experience.”. The third generation of Internet services is collectively consists of semantic web, microformats, natural language search, data-mining, machine learning,
recommendation agents that is known as Artificial Intelligence technologies or Intelligent Web.

According to some experts, “Web 3.0 is characterized and fueled by the successful arriage of artificial intelligence and the web”. While some experts have summarized the efinition defining as “Web 3.0 is the next step in the progression of the tubes that are the Internets”.
According to Nova Spivack, the CEO of Radar Networks, one of the leading voices of this newage Internet, “Web 3.0 is a set of standards that turns the Web into one big database.”
Steve, a famous Blog author has defined the term Web 3.0 as, “ Web 3.0 is highly specialized information structures, moderated by a group of personality, validated by the community, and put into context with the inclusion of meta-data through widgets”. While Leiki, the Finland based pioneer company of Semantic Web describes: “Web 3.0 makes the discovery of content streams effortless. It introduces automatic discovery of likeminded users and automatic tagging.”
The term ‘Web 3.0’ was first coined by John Markoff of the New York Times in 2006, while it first appeared prominently in early 2006 in a Blog article written by Jeffrey Zeldman in the “Critical of Web 2.0 and associated technologies such as Ajax”.
The debate originates in summit named Technet Summit in November 2006, in which various software tycoons expressed their views. e.g.
Jerry Yang, founder and Chief of Yahoo, stated:
“Web 2.0 is well documented and talked about. The power of the Net reached a critical mass, with capabilities that can be done on a network


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